A personalised flexible service run by caring locals for our community

Lakes Home Care is a community based program working closely with the My Aged Care system.

We offer help for people over 65 with cleaning, gardening, hygiene, shopping and much more. Call us today on 08 8537 0687 (option 2) to discuss how we can help you.

Through the Milang Old School House Community Centre we provide support through the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) and Home Care Packages

We will ensure you have support services in place to assist you to remain independent at home for as long as you wish.

Home & Garden Maintenance
Personal Care
Social Support

Our trained and professional staff are committed and caring locals who are willing to go the extra mile to ensure our service is second to none.

If you require further assistance understanding the system or how to access Home Care Packages, please telephone the Lakes Home Care team on 8537 0687 (option 2) to have a confidential conversation about how we can help you.


About Lakes Home Care

Lakes Home Care is managed by the Milang and District Community Association Inc. to provide support services to our local residents.

Lakes Home Care employs skilled and highly trained support staff to assist with home care services to improve your lifestyle and wellbeing. For more information telephone the Program Coordinator on 8537 0687.

Your Community,
Your Choice

Our Aim

We aim to increase your capacity for Independent Living in your own home. We strive to support our ageing population and their carers to remain active, valued members of our community.

The Home Care Packages program includes four levels of services including personal care, support services and nursing, allied health and clinical services.

We provide information about our program as well as other local services and activities. We can provide referral and advocacy to other programs and organisations when necessary.

We can link you into community activities and provide opportunities to learn new skills and participate in group activities and outings.

Contact Us

Contact us with any queries or to arrange a confidential discussion:

Milang Lakeside Butter Factory, Manager’s Cottage
22 Daranda Tce, Milang SA 5256

Phone 8537 0687

Email lakeshomecare@moshcc.com.au